IWE Online invites applications of interest to contribute scholarly critical-biographical essays on three Indian authors, listed in order of preference. The essay will offer some biographical information, an accessible-yet-scholarly analysis of a key text or two of the author/s, and bibliographic references for further reading. You may also propose a scene setting/ survey essay of 5000-6000 words on major genres within Indian Writing in English. This essay will offer the reader a set of entry points into the genre, accounting for its principal features, key trends, practitioners and significance in the corpus of IWE.

Please note that authors, themes and genres that you ask for may have already been taken/allotted.

The application should include the following:

  1. a brief cv with publications listed in two parts: (a) those relevant to the area of IWE (b) other publications
  2. a published writing sample
  3. a rationale for choice of author/genre/theme (not more than 300 words)

The materials may be sent to iweonline[at]uohyd.ac.in

More about IWE Online.