Indian Writing in English, or IWE Online is a one-stop site for those who read, study, teach and research one of the largest literary canons of the postcolonial world. Inside you will find critical biographies, survey / thematic essays, commentaries, teaching resources (including syllabi), and selections from the literature.
You could opt to explore the site by visiting author-pages, explore a specific genre, or read up on themes and topics in IWE, all written by scholars who have researched and/or taught Indian Writing in English, and very often contributed to the literature itself.
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Amitav Ghosh: A Critical BiographyThe Shadow LinesThe Great Derangement
IWE Online congratulates Amitav Ghosh on being awarded the prestigious Erasmus Prize for his writings on Climate Change.
The Prize citation reads that Ghosh:
“has delved deeply into the question of how to do justice to this existential threat that defies our imagination”.
Amitav Ghosh on IWE Online: