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The Writer and the Community: A Case for Literary Ambidexterity | Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih

By Essay, Indian Writers on English No Comments

Literary ambidexterity is fundamentally a discourse on the virtues of knowing two languages and writing well in both. In a vast and complex country like India, these languages would mean one’s mother tongue and the language of interaction. In my case, they would mean Khasi, the language of my tribe, and English.

Heard and spoken since birth, the mother tongue is of fundamental importance to creative literature. This also relates to the nature of creative writing and the need for communication.

As a practitioner of poetry, I believe in a poet who is a witness, one with the seeing eye, a retentive memory and the innate instinct to catch the soul of his generation. My own poetry is deeply rooted, and I see my role as a poet as that of a chronicler of subjective realities. In my poems, I have talked of leaders lording “like the wind” and fickle “like Hindi film stars changing dresses in a song.” I have talked of my impoverished land and with sardonic humour, of real people who are at once individuals and types. I have tried to capture the changing times, aspects of my culture and issues on the fringe.

But chronicling realities is not an end in itself. Pablo Neruda believes that a poet should always live close to his people: “I have gone into practically every corner of Chile, scattering my poetry like seed among the people of my country.” Neruda is pointing up the poet’s need to communicate with his people. If the foundation of a poet’s art rests on his people’s life and character, then what better audience is there than them? And if the audience is his people, then what better language is there to communicate with them than his mother tongue?

I, too, wish to address my people directly. I would like to tell them of the colossal threat to our land posed by the ceaseless flood of humanity and the growing aggressiveness of migrants. I would like to speak to them about the perils of terrorism and the greater peril of lawmen turning into terrorists. I would like to tell them of the absurdity of trying to deny their roots and the anarchy that follows in forgetting their own identity. I would like to talk of our great festivals, of Weiking, and the vitality of their part in our social life:

Weiking! Weiking!

Spring is back, begin your whirling motions

and let our life live on.

Whirl on, whirl on,

what if some of us

sneer at us for fools?

We are not here to pay obeisance

to the gods for a plentiful harvest

(do we ever have a harvest now?)

whirl on, whirl on to a time

when women stood by their men

and men were tigers guarding

their homes with jealous swords.

(“Weiking”: self-composed)


But most of all I would like to remind my people, as a poet raconteur, of the virtues of their ancestors’ ways and the necessity of perpetuating them. I would like to talk of our myths and legends and let those who will, cull lessons from them:


from the year dot

Ren, the Nongjri fisherman,

Ren, the beloved of a river nymph

Ren, who loved so madly

who left his mother and his home

to live in magic depths

also left a message:

“Mother,” he had said,

“listen to the river,

as long as it roars

you will know that I live”.

(“Ren”: self-composed)


Symbolically, Ren is asking later generations to listen to the sound of his people’s life. But the sound of a people’s life and their ways can be voiced only through the mother tongue. The mother tongue is the sound of life itself, and in this sense, writing in it would mean for me helping the sound of my people’s life grow stronger.

Czeslaw Milosz and his poem “My Faithful Mother Tongue” have only strengthened this conviction. But the shocking reality that Milosz discovers about his mother tongue, as “a tongue of the debased, / of the unreasonable, hating themselves” is unfortunately true of the Khasi language as well. As Milosz again puts it, “perhaps, after all, it’s I who must try to save you [mother tongue].”

It is in trying to do this that literary ambidexterity can also play a critical role. It is neither desirable nor profitable to keep one’s writings confined to one’s language or the language of interaction.

A native author’s work with any literary merit must be brought to the notice of other literatures. As Neruda suggests, it does not matter if one’s poems have sunken their roots deep into one’s native soil; it does not matter if they are born of indigenous wind and rain or have emerged from a localized landscape. If they are worth their salt, they must “come out of that landscape … to roam, to go singing through the world …”

To do this, the author must be able to translate his work into the language of interaction. But if he is not ambidextrous in this sense, then his work must risk lurking forever in the dark recesses of his own small world.

On the other hand, if he writes only in the language of interaction, he must be able to translate his work into his mother tongue or risk being cut off forever from the heart and minds of his people.

The need to avoid these risks is, to quote Dylan Thomas, “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower” of my poetry as a bilingual poet. The desire to be read and understood by my people makes me wish to write in Khasi. But how can one write in a language whose writings are, without being read, frowned upon as biblia abiblia by the educated elite? Therefore, though most of my poems begin in Khasi, my immediate ambition is to exhume them, as it were, from the crypt of Khasi literature and get them tested through English journal publications. That is how the scribbled pieces in Khasi are simultaneously translated into English, and the Khasi thoughts are often directly transformed into English compositions. And so, driven by circumstances and supported by literary ambidexterity, the creation of every one of my poems becomes essentially the birth of twins.

An earlier version of this essay appeared in Poetry International, on April 13, 2006.

Harping on English in India: Pitfalls and Possibilities | Tabish Khair

By Essay, Indian Writers on English One Comment

I have written in a number of places about the special relationship that English has with India, and vice versa (2001/2005; 2003). I do not intend to make a case of ‘Indian exceptionalism’, a trend that critics in large and complex nations — such as India or USA — often find hard to resist. But I do intend to reiterate that English in India does not exist as it does in the Caribbean or Australia. And it need hardly be added, for it was pointed out in different ways by Behramji M Malabari in 1893 and Raja Rao in 1938, that we do not — cannot — relate to English the way the English, or for that matter the Scots or Irish[i], do. In India, English — without doubt an Indian language today — exists along with other major languages, many of which have long literate traditions and pre-colonial histories, and most of which have a different relationship to English than they have with one another.

This is partly the case in some other parts of Africa and Asia, but it is not the case in places like Australia and the Caribbean. This, if nothing else, ought to make us conscious of the special status of English in India — even within the rubric of ‘postcolonial literatures’ — and resist an appropriation of Indian Englishes by other colonial and post-colonial traditions (including that of cosmopolitan Rushdie English, ‘Londonstani’ etc) just as much as we have, finally, come to resist a dismissal of English as an Indian language. No, English is an Indian language, but it not only has a peculiar relationship to India and the world as seen from India, it also has a particular relationship to other Indian languages and social classes within India.

Some of this can be seen, if only in outline, in a poem by the first serious Indian poet to write in English. It is interesting how much this poem, ‘The Harp Of India’ by Henry L. Derozio (1809-1831), says and does not say — and how much of both what is spoken and what is silent remains valid today[ii].

Derozio starts his sonnet by addressing, with a degree of apotheosis, ‘the harp of India’:

“Why hang’st thou lonely on yon withered bough? Unstrung for ever, must thou there remain;

Thy music once was sweet — who hears it now? Why doth the breeze sigh over thee in vain?”

Forget about the ‘Romantic’ diction of the poem: it would be as anachronistic to blame Derozio for it as it would be to rap the ghost of Lord Byron, who was alive when Derozio started writing, on the knuckle for poems like The Giaour and The Corsair. What is interesting is the fact that Derozio laments the silencing of the ‘harp’ of India. This lament fits into a growing Orientalist tendency in the l9th century to posit a glorious ancient past for India, and contrast it to the degraded present. This was in keeping with 19th century theories of civilisation and degeneration and, later, social evolution, and it could cut both ways: it could be used to defend British colonisers (as restorers of India’s ancient vigour) and it could be used to critique British colonisation [iii].

As such, if Derozio’s sonnet, written in English, is a fragment of the ‘new’ culture of colonised India, it is also — despite being written in English — a critique of present circumstances and, hence, at least potentially a critique of colonisation. This aspect is under-girded by the imagery of the second stanza, where the ‘harp’ of India is presented as having been bound by ‘Silence’ in “her fatal chain”, portrayed as “neglected” and compared, perhaps with echoes of P. B. Shelley’s ‘ozymandias’[iv], with a “ruined monument on desert plain.” If the ‘ruined monument’ is a partly Orientalist construct of the Indian past, the ‘desert’ plain is a potentially nationalist critique of colonisation.

The sonnet proceeds. The poet humbly acknowledges his inferiority to the great poets of the past (“many a hand more worthy far than mine”), notes that “those hands are cold”, and concludes:

“…but if thy notes divine

May be by mortal wakened once again,

Harp of my country, let me strike the strain!”

Note again: “harp of my country”, not harp of, say, the Muses. In the 18° century, the Black Caribbean poet, Francis Williams, wrote a Latin Ode to welcome a new British Governor. In itself, an act of colonial ‘mimicry’, the Ode however assumed a radical, independent perspective — the voice of the subaltern — not only in its direct critique of colour-based racism but also in the fact that it was addressed to a “black Muse.” (Burnett, p. 101) Similarly, Derozio’s poem in English cannot be seen only or even primarily in the light of colonial ‘mimicry’. The poem speaks in a voice that has not been derived simply from the discourses of the colonisers.

And yet, it remains a voice in English, and that returns us to the position of English in India. For the ‘harp’ of India was by no means ‘silent’ in the 1820s and 30s: many Indian languages were undergoing a blossoming because of diverse reasons. The greatest age of Urdu poetry was taking place in Delhi, and poets like Zauq and Ghalib were still alive. Could it be that if Derozio had been writing in a language other than English, he might have heard other harps playing more loudly than he seems to have?

And would these have been ‘harps’? However, Derozio’s choice of ‘harp’ is not only a vestige of the classical imagery of Romanticism or the consequence of his choice of language. If one thinks about the reasons why Derozio might have preferred ‘harp’ over the more obviously classical equivalent, ‘lyre’, one opens up a rich field of political possibilities. The choice of ‘harp’ carries another echo, and one that — for all we know — Derozio might well have retained consciously.

Let us try and place this choice in the political context of the early 19th century, a context that Derozio, writing and reading in English, would have some inkling of(and, say, Zauq, writing in Urdu, would not have been able to employ or use). The ‘harp without crown’ was the symbol of the Society of United Irishmen, founded in the 18° century as a liberal organisation working for parliamentary reform in Ireland, but greatly radicalised by the end of the century.

In 1798, the Society of United Irishmen, allied with the republicans of revolutionary France, launched a major rebellion with the aim of ending British rule over Ireland.

This rebellion sent echoes all over the British Empire and remained a force in the “international revolutionary circuit” for decades (Foster, p. 285) — perhaps also reflected, even after the chimes of the 1798 Uprising had grown inaudible, in the presence of Indian nationalist squads during St Patrick Day parades in USA as late as the 20′h century. In Calcutta, the capital of British India, Derozio could hardly have been unaware of it in the 1820s. Or of the other major symbol of the Society of United Irishmen: the Phrygian or Liberty cap, wom by emancipated slaves during the Roman Empire, associated with the Magi (‘lost Eastern glory and wisdom’, so to say), and adopted in the 18th century by radical movements in America as well as France.

So here we are: an Indian writer, employing English. With this combination come a set of problems, and a set of possibilities. Perhaps Derozio cannot always hear the music of other Indian harps — as was perhaps the case with Salman Rushdie in the 20th century, when he edited and introduced his anthology of the best Indian writing from 1947 to 1997, and managed to leave out all except two or three texts written in languages other than English. But Derozio does not simply mimic the master’s voice. He sets his own political agenda, shaped by his own relationship to English, to time and space. And he can employ his chosen or imposed language, English, to do things — for instance, consciously or unconsciously, suggest an international radical politics – that would not have been possible, or not in the same way, in Urdu or Hindi or Tamil. lt is this that, I believe Indians writing in English have to bear in mind.

The question, then, is not whether English is an Indian language. There is not much sense either defending or dismissing English in India today. But any Indian who writes in English has to write with a full awareness of the position — historically and at present — occupied by English in India, and the relationship of English to other languages in Indian spaces. For, English in India presents some pitfalls and some possibilities that are unique to our historical and cultural situation. A writer of Indian origin in England or Jamaica need not take this into account. But Indian writing in English can turn a blind eye to it only at the risk of becoming something else.


Main texts cited

  1. Paula Bumett, The Penguin Book of Caribbean Verse. London: Penguin, 1986.
  2. F. Forster, Modem Ireland, 1600 — 1972. London: Penguin Books, 1988 (1989).
  3. K. Gokak, The Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1970 (1985).
  4. Tabish Khair, Babu Fictions: Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001 (2005).
  5. Tabish Khair, ‘Indian English Poetry: Problems of Language and Prosody’, in Klaus Martens, Paul Morris and Arlette Warken, , A World of Local Voices: Poetry in English Today. Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann Gmbh, 2003, p. 55-63.
  6. Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, Travelo [1804/5], Translated into English by Charles Stewart in Delhi: Sona Publications, 1972.
  7. M. Malabari. The Indian Eye on English Life. London: Archibald Constable and Company, 1893.
  8. Raja Rao, Kanthapufy [1938]• Madras: Oxford University Press.
  9. Salman Rushdie and Elizabeth West, , The Vinta e Book of Indian Writing. London: Vintage, 1997.



[i] There are obvious differences between the way the English and the Irish relate to the English language. This difference was acutely observed by an Indian, Mirza Abu Taleb, as long ago as the fag end of the 18 the century, who noted that the Irish made much more of a generous effort to understand his broken and accented English than the English ever did.


[ii] Poem quoted from Gokak’s The Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry, p. 53.


[iii] As an aside, it should be pointed out that this constructed colonialist tradition is the backbone of much of Hindutva nationalism today, and it also explains the overlap between brands of that nationalism and Nazi theories of ‘Aryan’ dominance.


[iv] Derozio was 13 or 14 when Shelley died.


Previously unpublished.

Foreword | K. Narayana Chandran

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Chandran, K. Narayana. “Foreword.” Indian Writing In English Online, 15 Aug 2022, .
Chandran, K. Narayana. “Foreword.” Indian Writing In English Online. August 15, 2022. .

English arrived when new history was beginning. That history demanded a change of heart, a new language that signalled the change. And that language, in fairness, had to be neither Indian that seemed to know us too well nor one that knew too little. English seemed a perfect fit for Indian writers, for both those who knew the language and those who felt they knew just a little of it. Writers who loved English and those who resented its presence among their bhashas however realized that writing mattered more than other forms of creative expression. Indian communities found communication more basic and integral to their evolutionary sustenance. “Something there is,” begins a famous Robert Frost poem, “that doesn’t love a wall.” Very true, when there is more commerce across the walls of the world.

And so it was that the bhashas widened their reach by an English-sponsored literacy that helped build new communities. Imagining language became as crucial to literature as the imaginative efforts restricted to the bhashas. English was found good enough as an alternative when a bhasha seemed to stop short or run short. Our first writers in English then began to imagine India in another language. Another India was almost born. Just in time, that is, for the proverbial clock to strike the midnight hour, in English. That was the solemn beginning of India’s struggle for cultural, intellectual independence.


Writers who first began with English (a distinguished lineage that includes Premchand of Urdu/ Hindi, and Vaikom Muhammad Basheer of Malayalam) but gave it up for their bhashas knew at least two things about India. They had to contend with more than the ‘literary’ and the ‘aesthetic’ when they used English. They also knew that they preferred English for the distance and longing another bhasha would perhaps give them when they wanted to be plainspoken, and fair to their social conscience. The hard cold Indian reality, it seemed, needed a hard cold English. Most Indian writers I sampled on the subject of English said as much one way or the other. The anthology I had planned to edit with their views on English is still in progress, samples of which you will read here. Some writers have avoided giving obvious reasons, while others have evaded answers that make English crucial for them. A language does not lie. But its speakers may, and do. No wonder, the Indian writers find English affording them opportunity and opportunism when the line between politics and fiction grows thinner with age and use.

Some of the finest among them still use English when they forget that they have buried a tribal voice within them. One example: “A Horse and Two Goats” by R. K. Narayan. And that tells an amazing English story in Tamil. When one character speaks to another character, the other ought to speak as well. He does. Monolingualism of the Other with farcical vengeance. Neither speaks the other(’s) language. But both listen keenly. They speak for long. Mistaking the other completely is made easier when Tamil speaks the American and the American speaks Tamil. Where, we ask, is the Indian freedom we have won in English servitude.  Such overwhelming questions break past the discipline of allegory.


No one cares to ask Indians anymore why they write English, or write in English, as in the good old Writers Workshop days. That crucial distinction occurred only to K. V. Tirumalesh, a writer in Kannada and teacher of English. Probably, deep down his pedagogical unconscious lay a pertinent question regarding natural and cultural affiliations that only comparative linguists like him ponder.

None of the aggrandizing or rhetorical expansiveness ordinarily botches an Indian’s writing when their performing selves allow English to traverse in and out of their live cells. But then, only the Indians who have some English to express know what it means to escape from it. They have given us their best work, not necessarily English, and not always in English.

What they have indeed known at first hand, is “sounding” the language, English allowed to speak for itself, by itself, to itself, rather than be used to mean what its user wants it to. In playing words against one another, they find a greater energy in the local habitations of the ventriloquized word. Recall how Saadat Hasan Manto, G. V. Desani (and on rarer occasions, Sujata Bhatt) give us their English words so eaten by this bhasha or that, and proof of the pudding.


It is very easy to tell our passionately genuine writers by their cultivation of English. In India, there are three major types whose English distinguishes not themselves but their work. To the first type belong those who write in one or more bhashas. For a writer like Krishna Baldev Vaid, for example, English was an auxiliary language for critical writing, interviews, teaching, and for the translation of his own Hindi/ Urdu/ Panjabi fiction. The second type comprises those who write within the larger circumambience of English and other non-Indian languages, but English affords them farther and faster reach of a world audience. The third, a small and not-yet-privileged, type of writers tries to make the most of two worlds: writing the bhashas they are happiest writing in, while keeping their ears close to the Anglo-American ground. They educate themselves in an English-driven humanities curriculum. All the three types tell oppressive tales, each according to their need and greed. (Translated, oppression brutalizes English beyond words.) They love the cast of English for the enabling difference it affords when they deal with caste issues that hurt the already-bruised socio-political egos. On the peripheries of logic English scores. It still keeps an aseptical distance from the abusive Indian streets. None of these types would nonetheless hide their own light under a bushel. English for them is what Western Civilization would be for Gandhi, a good idea. Of course the exceptions, few and far between, realize that English alone can develop new definitions of power for writers here, and proffer new patterns of relating across differences. If there is one passage that sums up the supple confusions of growing up among the bhashas and paribhashas from which a budding writer draws lifelong inspiration, here it is:

We ran up and down all these levels.  Sanskrit, English, and Tamil and Kannada (my two childhood languages, literally my mother’s tongues, since she too had become bilingual in our childhood) stood for three different interconnected worlds.  Sanskrit stood for the Indian past; English for colonial India and the West, which also served as a disruptive creative other that both alienated us from and revealed us (in its terms) to ourselves; and the mother-tongues, the most comfortable and least conscious of all, for the world of women, playmates, children and servants.  Ideas, tales, significant alliances, conflicts, elders and peers were reflected in each of these languages.  Each had a literature that was unlike the others’.  Each was an other to the others, and it became the business of a lifetime for some of us to keep the dialogues and quarrels alive among these three and to make something of them.  Our writers, thinkers, and men of action¾say, Gandhi, Tagore and Bharati¾made creative use of these triangulations, these dialogues and quarrels.  For those of us who were shaped in that ‘triple stream’, our translations, poems, lives in and out of India, searches (which we often disguised as research, analysis, even psychoanalysis), and all such explorations, including essays such as these, are witnesses to this lifelong enterprise.  Though I shall use the first person singular often in this essay, I believe that neither the things I am talking about nor most of the recognitions are peculiarly mine. (A.K. Ramanujan, “Telling Tales.” Daedalus, 118. 4 (Fall 1989): 238-261)


For the Indian writer (although it wouldn’t make much difference if we were not writers), English may be servitude, English may be freedom. Still, rather than walking that thin line between chances, it is prudent for all of us to learn that life gives no one a second chance with their first language. There will always be, however, some ‘English,’ some colony, that lies beneath, plays around, our bhashas. And that makes all the difference.


K. Narayana Chandran

The University of Hyderabad

14 August 2022

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