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Secrets and Silences of Girlhood and Womanhood | T. Alma Poinamei

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Review:  Fear and Lovely by Anjana Appachana. Penguin Random House India, 2023.

Anjana Appachana’s first novel Listening Now was published in 1998. Twenty-five years later, its sequel Fear and Lovely was published in March 2023. The sequel continues some of the concerns from the first book such as the themes of gendered listening, female solidarity forged through gossip and secrets, and the bildungsroman of the female character. The structure of the second novel also follows the blueprint of the first: the plot progresses through different characters’ points of view that intersect and overlap. 

Fear and Lovelys central character is Mallika (the precocious daughter of Padma whose bildungsroman was traced in Listening Now), who loses three days of her memory, following which she is diagnosed with mental illness. Considering it a taboo and a hindrance to a good marriage, her mother and her aunt, who Mallika is insistent on referring to as her second mother, go to lengths to cover it up as TB. 

As in her first novel, Appachana emphasises the importance of female friendship. Solidarity is forged through gossiping sessions and keeping each other’s secrets. Mallika’s understanding of society comes from listening to the older women in the family and her female friends. Her relationship with her two ‘mothers’ and grandmother allow her to grasp the inequitable nature of a heteronormative marriage from as young as the age of thirteen. Additionally, listening to and watching her female friends grow into diverse personalities within different familial contexts allows her to assess the imposed models of girlhood and womanhood in a predominantly Hindu society. Mallika is the ideal listener, sometimes appearing as a stand-in for the readers: “The best thing about listening to people’s stories was that I didn’t have to talk. Those who spoke to me were the storytellers, and my ear (my sympathetic, fascinated, cornucopia-like ear) was their page” (9). However, Appachana does not just stop at listening as a solitary burden but demonstrates how Mallika, the listener, also needs a listener. The secrets that Mallika carries manifest in physical ailments that include a migraine, a miscarriage, and memory loss. She observes retrospectively, “for all the love we bore each other, we had no idea of each other’s silences. We didn’t even understand our own” (10). Appachana’s foregrounding of secrets often referred to as “silences” also extends to the male characters. While Listening Now offered very limited perspectives of the male characters, the sequel delves into the intricate thoughts of Mallika’s closest male friends, Randhir and Arnav. The writing propagates certain stereotypes of gendered speaking in that, their narratives are peppered with phrases like “fucking dead” (294) and “bloody” (296) amidst superficial conversations about Swedish cars (378). A male friend also tells Mallika, “I’m a guy, Mallika. Guys aren’t good at corresponding” (325). Despite this, Appachana is also careful to reveal that underneath their veneer of ostensible machismo, they carry secrets they do not find a listener for. Through their narratives, Appachana dissects the attributes of masculinity that they are expected to live up to in an Indian context.     

While the first novel is set in the aftermath of the Independence, the second is set in the heart of the Emergency. College students talk politics with an idealistic fervour at parties and family dinners. However, national politics simply serves as a backdrop while the politics of the home take center stage. Mallika’s aunt, Shanta, is keen that Mallika learn the adages of domestic politics that she has acquired through her own marriage: “idealism without money was fatal to wives. But when idealism was borne aloft on money’s radiant arms, oh, how brightly it shone” (363). Appachana’s writings are unequivocally and unapologetically about women and domesticity. The arguments surrounding this genre of ‘women’s writings’ tend to focus on how they do not contribute to the discourses of the postcolonial nation, with some critics adopting a defensive tone in arguing for the relevance of this genre despite eschewing political concerns. This consistent burden placed on postcolonial Anglophone novels to talk about the nation and its historiography limits the discourses that can contribute to the ‘woman question.’ Appachana remarks on this in the novel when Mallika says, “If you wanted to talk about justice and injustice, truth and untruth, right and wrong, then talk about politics, talk about the Emergency, not about women, for heaven’s sake” (56). As was the case in her first novel, it is through the conversations among women that the readers are confronted with women’s lived reality. When Mallika’s friend, Prabha attacks a man on a bus for sexually harassing her, she is assailed by various responses: her parents chastise her, younger women advise her to ignore it in the future and her male friends find it hard to believe that this is a regular occurrence. But, with her female friends, Prabha feels understood and encouraged for her response to the incident.        

Appachana also touches on ‘Indian thinking’ or ‘Indian philosophy’ about mental health, marriages, homosexuality, and individual desires. While ‘American thinking’ would appear to be posited as the antithesis, the actual critique is directed at a society that cannot accommodate non-conforming women and the changing ideals of a younger generation.        

Listening Now subscribes to the “post-Rushdie tradition” (Majumdar 211) of “old-fashioned” (Mukherjee 2007) domestic novels akin to that of Anita Desai and Shashi Deshpande. In a lot of these novels, the female characters begin their journey towards autonomy through a break from marital relations rather than parental authority (Abel et al. 12). However, in Fear and Lovely, Mallika’s bildungsroman begins by defying parental authority. The defiance also happens spatially when she leaves for America despite the reluctance of her two ‘mothers’. Besides this shift, the novel remains a nuanced portrait of women and the intricacies of domestic life. Through the foregrounding of women and the quotidian events that shape their social ontology, Appachana portrays a crucial facet of India’s postcolonial reality. 


1. Josna. E Rege writes that Appchana’s works are not “shoring up a disintegrating discourse of nation… but are exploring the possibilities of coming to terms with the past in new ways” (367). Meenkashi Mukherjee, in her review for Listening Now writes, “… to ignore the nation and the backdrop of history when a good part of the novel is set in the fifties needs a certain amount of defiance in the current climate” (2007).


Works Cited 

Abel, Elizabeth et al, editors. The Voyage In. The University Press of New England, 1983. 

Appachana, Anjana. Listening Now. India Ink, 1998. 

. Fear and Lovely. Penguin Random House India, 2023. 

Majumdar, Saikat. “Far from the Nation, Closer to Home: Privacy, Domesticity, and Regionalism in Indian English Fiction.” A History of the Indian Novel in English, edited by Ulka Anjaria, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 207-220.  

Mukherjee, Meenakshi. “IndiaStar Review of Books: Listening Now by Anjana Appachana.” IndiaStar, 28 January. 2007.

Rege, Josna E. “Victim into Protagonist? ‘Midnight’s Children’ and the Post-Rushdie National Narratives of the Eighties.” Studies in the Novel, vol. 29, no.3, 1997, pp. 342-375. 


Themreichon Alma Poinamei is a PhD student at the Department of English at the University of Hyderabad. For her PhD project, she is working on Indian Women’s fiction.

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Obituary | Gieve Patel

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IWE Online mourns the passing of Gieve Patel (b. 1940), poet and playwright, on 3 November 2023. Besides being a poet, the versatile Patel was also a physician, painter and sculptor. His collections include How Do You Withstand Body?, Mirrored, Mirroring and On Killing a Tree. Weaving medical imagery into poems such as ‘Post-Mortem’, Patel wrote of the act wherein

all these insides

That have for a lifetime

Raged and strained to understand

Be dumped back into the body,

Now stitched to perfection,

Before announcing death

Due to an obscure reason

In one of his most famous poems, ‘On Killing a Tree’, he offered a contrast to the human’s post-mortem, showing that ‘it takes much time to kill a tree’, then going through the stages of its extermination, until the tree finally dies:

The root is to be pulled out –
Out of the anchoring earth;
It is to be roped, tied,
And pulled out – snapped out
Or pulled out entirely,
Out from the earth-cave,
And the strength of the tree exposed,
The source, white and wet,
The most sensitive, hidden
For years inside the earth.

Then the matter
Of scorching and choking
In sun and air,
Browning, hardening,
Twisting, withering,
And then it is done.

Arun Joshi | Kanak Yadav

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Yadav, Kanak. “Arun Joshi.” Indian Writing In English Online, 30 Oct 2023, .

Yadav, Kanak. “Arun Joshi” Indian Writing In English Online. October 30, 2023. .

Introduction: The Writer and Indian English Canon

Arun Joshi (1939-1993) was born in an academic environment as his father, the botanist A. C. Joshi served as the vice-chancellor of two leading Indian universities, namely, Punjab and Banaras Hindu University (Randhawa). Joshi was himself academically oriented holding a Master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.  After completing his education, he returned to India and joined the Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, a Delhi-based NGO and served as its Executive Director until his death on April 19, 1993 (Indian Journal of Industrial Relations).

Despite having a prolific writing career publishing five novels and a collection of short stories, Arun Joshi has remained an elusive figure in the canon of Indian fiction in English. Alongside his career as the Head of the research institute and as a journal editor, Joshi successfully managed another career as a writer. His skillful prose brings out the thematic complexity of his fiction which explores issues like inequalities in the Indian social structure, moral decadence, the futility of materialistic pursuits, the conflict between individual desire and societal repression, the crisis of enlightenment, and how a foreboding sense of alienation preoccupies the human subject. Joshi was also a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi award in 1982 for his novel The Last Labyrinth (1981). Nevertheless, he continues to be undervalued, both in the literary marketplace and in academic circles despite his significant contribution to Indian Writing in English, which leads Pavan Kumar Malreddy to question: “How do we explain this glaring discrepancy between the prolific output on Joshi’s literary oeuvre and his almost neglected place in the pantheon of the postcolonial canon?” (3-4).

One possible reason for the obscurity of Arun Joshi’s fiction could be its unavailability. His works remained “out of print” (Sudarshan 2013) until a decade ago when his Delhi-based publisher, Orient Paperbacks, republished some of his works under their venture called, “Library of South Asian Literature.” Joshi’s fictional world, which was otherwise confined to the dusty shelves of old Indian libraries, has now been rediscovered by an entirely new generation and a global audience with the reprinting and availability of e-copies. Joshi’s early death at the age of 54 and his books not being marketed outside the subcontinent even when international publishers had entered the Indian literary market (Sudarshan 2013) are some of the contributing factors for the cultural amnesia that he has suffered.

The struggle to situate Arun Joshi within the corpus of Indian English Literature is a real one since his subject-matter is unlike any of his peers. According to Madhusudan Prasad, Joshi’s fiction is “singularized by certain existentialist problems and the resultant anguish, agony, psychic quest, and the like” (103). His fiction evidently draws influence from twentieth-century Western philosophers like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre who question the existence of God and the purpose of human existence. Generally labeled as “existentialists,” a term which many writers so categorised have invariably rejected, their literature demonstrates the individual trapped in a crisis of identity as seen in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1916), breakdown of language and selfhood in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot (1952), and the absence of God and the absurdity of life in Albert Camus’s The Myth of Sisyphus (1942) and The Stranger (1942). The philosophical issues explored in Arun Joshi’s fiction bear close resemblance to existentialist philosophy to the extent that critics have interpreted Joshi’s first novel The Foreigner (1968) as inspired by Albert Camus’s 1942 novel The Stranger (Prasad 104). Similarly, O. P. Mathur interprets the protagonist of The Foreigner (1968), Sindi Oberoi, as a “Sartrean protagonist” who embodies the journey from alienation and detachment to “right and useful action” (425). The influence of Western philosophy on Joshi’s fiction has also contributed to creating a disconnect between him and the Indian English canon.

Arun Joshi’s literary vision has made it difficult to label him a quintessentially “Indian” writer particularly since, in the early years, the formation of the Indian English canon was mainly developed upon the idea of how it was lending a voice to the postcolonial nation state. As such, Joshi is either canonised as a divergent voice in the various histories and anthologies of Indian Writing in English, or else his “Indian sensibility” is overdetermined to fit him neatly in the field. For instance Meenakshi Mukherjee interprets Joshi’s first novel The Foreigner (1968) within the framework of the “East-West” (207) cultural encounter and reads its sense of alienation through the lens of cultural difference and an individual’s sense of conflict. M.K. Naik’s A History of Indian English Literature (1982) offers a comprehensive critical account of Joshi’s novels and identifies him as one of the “most striking” (270) voices of the seventies. In Naik’s words, “Joshi is a novelist seriously interested in existential dilemmas and equally acutely aware of both the problems of post-Independence Indian society and the implications of the East-West encounter” (292). Naik clubs the psychological and intellectual struggles of Joshi’s flawed protagonists into an “East vs West” debate in order to affirm their postcolonial ethos. Joshi’s fiction, however, refuses convenient labels: neither could it be categorised as “existentialist” literature alone, which is imitative of western philosophy, nor could its subject be reduced to a cultural clash between eastern “tradition” and western “modernity.” If there is anything substantial that one can conclude from Joshi’s representation of the conflict between the ‘modern’ and the ‘traditional’ worlds, the individual and the society, the body and the mind, and desire and its repression, it is that he does not perceive these categories as antithetical. Instead, he intertwines these seemingly opposing worldviews to reflect upon metaphysical questions pertaining to life and its meaning.

The Politics of Joshi’s Fiction

Arun Joshi’s writing has focused on the individual psyche, its struggles and the pretentious world of the Indian elites without manifestly engaging with larger events like the Indian independence and the social ills plaguing the postcolonial nation state, concerns which have been crucial in defining and shaping the canon of Indian Writing in English. Furthermore, because of Joshi’s metaphysical inquiries into life’s meaning, subjecthood, and the alienating effects of modernity, the socio-political aspects of his narrative also tend to get overlooked in the overarching frame of the individual’s quest for meaning. For instance, the crisis of selfhood plaguing Joshi’s fatalistic protagonists, and the attempts to resolve it, cannot be separated from their male privilege and their upper-class, upper-caste background. His fiction often centers around a privileged male subject who feels alienated despite having all the comforts. However, the novels do not simply serve as  mouthpieces to these flawed protagonists but remain critical of their worldview and ideologies. As Joshi focusses on the psychological instead of the manifestly political, he remains critical of upper-class values and culture.

In The Strange Case of Billy Biswas (1971), tribal culture exists as an antithesis to the modern society and is romanticised in order to strike a contrast with the culture of big Indian cities. Makarand Paranjape draws a parallel between Joshi’s novel and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) to comment on how the former is a “Conradesque journey into the heart of the Indian darkness” (1052). For instance, Billy’s position within the tribal group can be compared to Kurtz’s relationship with the African natives especially in terms of his God-like status among the tribes. However, the comparison also ends there as Billy is completely integrated into the tribal culture without showing any moral superiority for his own civilisational values. The novel, therefore, privileges indigenous knowledge but only to contrast and critique the world inhabited by the urban  elite.

The connection between the protagonist’s quest for identity and his own caste and class privilege is also present in The Last Labyrinth (1981). Som Bhaskar’s existentialist dilemma is tied to his caste identity as a Brahmin millionaire. The question that Anuradha poses to Som Bhaskar towards the beginning of the novel, “What is a Bhaskar doing in business?” (Joshi, The Last Labyrinth 11) implicitly links his spiritual crisis with the quest for transcendence that is associated with his identity as a Brahmin man. Som Bhaskar is a millionaire who despite his successful business and relationships suffers from an inexplicable cry, “I want. I want.” (Joshi The Last Labyrinth 9). This unquenchable desire not only takes him to Banaras but also to a Krishna temple in the mountains that leads him to the spiritual awakening of how Anuradha miraculously saved his life when the doctors had given up faith. The manner in which the novel upholds the unknown, mysterious elements of life makes it difficult to separate Bhaskar’s spiritual crisis with his Brahmin identity.

Joshi’s existentialist fiction, therefore, appears as a world occupied by upper-class/upper-caste men who are oblivious to their caste and cultural privilege, which seems to be a major limitation in his writings. However, it is their relinquishment of material comfort and privileges that leads to meaningful insights over individual freedom, morality, the crisis of selfhood, and societal expectations. While this is overtly manifested in The Strange Case of Billy Biswas (1971) as Billy abandons Delhi to search for greater truths in the expanse of the forests, The Last Labyrinth too explores the idea of renouncing metropolitan life to find comfort in the old world order epitomised by the Lal Haveli in Banaras. Even The Apprentice (1974) – which follows a different trajectory since the protagonist, Ratan Rathor, belongs to a humble background – explores the idea of repentance for one’s wrongdoings by indulging in good deeds. Ratan Rathor’s dramatic monologue which narrates his rags-to-riches story comes to an end with his confession of becoming the almighty’s “apprentice” by visiting the temple daily to “wipe the shoes of the congregation” (Joshi, The Apprentice Chap. 12). Given the unreliability of Rathor’s story, it is doubtful if he has truly mended his ways after clearing the defective order which cost him the life of his close friend, the Brigadier. However, The Apprentice (1974) also manages to tease the other possibility of Rathor seeking redemption by rising above his greed for material comforts. Hence, Arun Joshi’s anti-heroes question and critique the world of privileges, its corrupt value system, and the social divide it perpetuates.

The City and the River (1990) is distinctive when compared with Joshi’s other works which are thematically centered around an alienated subject. This allegorical tale, recounted by the Great Yogeshwara to his disciple, the Nameless One, shows the power struggle between politicians and citizens, law enforcers and law abiders, and the haves and the have-nots respectively. The tussle between the Grandmaster and the scheming Astrologer on one side and the underprivileged like “the mud people” and “the boatmen” on the other, is symbolic of class struggle as the Grandmaster dictates and commands without any consideration for the needs of the masses. However, this is not a simplistic tale of conflict between the ruling class and the working class, as Nirmala Menon tellingly reminds us how the novel critiques “both social institutions and its subjects” (74). She argues that the novel allegorically refers to the Indian Emergency (1975-1977) whether it is through the usage of the phrase “‘The Era of Ultimate Greatness’” or the “mass arrests” that are carried out in the text (Menon 74). Furthermore, the policy of “one child to a mother or two to a home” enforced by the Grandmaster suggests the two-child policy and mass sterilisation that was promoted during the Emergency (Joshi, The City Chap. 1). The City and the River (1990) is a political text which connects politics to philosophical enquiry. Unlike Joshi’s other novels which are centered around the psychology of the individual, The City and the River (1990) focusses on the “politics of collective” (Menon 65).

Beyond Dualisms

As argued previously, Arun Joshi’s fiction cannot be interpreted solely in terms of binaries like “East vs West,” “tradition vs modernity,” and “individual vs society,” as his novels challenge such dualisms to show their interconnections. For instance, Joshi’s first novel, The Foreigner (1968), demonstrates the lonely world occupied by the anti-hero, Sindi Oberoi, who despite his multiracial background feels like a “foreigner” in whichever country he goes to. According to Madhusudan Prasad, the novel “relates the pathetic story of its narrator, Sindi Oberoi, who reflects helplessly on his meaningless past and is apprehensive of his equally meaningless future” (104). Born to an interracial couple, an English mother and an Indian father, Sindi lost his parents at an early age and was brought up by his “uncle in Kenya” (Joshi, The Foreigner Chap. 2). His education was also “global” as he studied in East Africa, London, and the United States (Joshi, The Foreigner Chap. 3). Sindi’s character embodies what Homi K. Bhabha has termed “cultural hybridity” (6). However, instead of accepting and acknowledging his multicultural background, he fails to belong to either Kenya, America, or to his Indian origins. Sindi’s “in-between” identity and his life’s philosophy of detachment alienate him from the world-at-large. (Bhabha 2).

In not belonging completely to any particular country or race, Sindi Oberoi is not uprooted and detached as he would like to convince himself, but his existence lies between cultures and spaces such that he could belong anywhere in the world: a message which he learns only by the end of the novel when he has already lost Babu Rao Khemka and June Blyth because of his philosophy to “live without desire and attachment” (Joshi, The Foreigner Chap. 11). Sindi’s absolute belief in non-commitment and inaction was a ruse for self-preservation and it is only by the end of the novel that he realises this truth when an office employee, Muthu, shares his own understanding of detachment: “Sometimes detachment lies in actually getting involved” (Joshi, The Foreigner Chap. 18). Seen in this context, Sindi’s decision to stay back and manage Mr. Khemka’s business for the sake of the employees is intellectually enlightening for him as he arrives at a pluralistic sense of modernity which values action. After losing Babu Rao Khemka and June Blyth, Sindi realises that “detachment consisted of right action and not escape from it” (Joshi, The Foreigner Chap. 15). His modernist angst, which was founded upon loneliness and a crisis of faith, finds a temporary resolution towards the novel’s end as he recognises an alternative worldview where attachment and detachment are not mutually exclusive.

Similarly, interpreting The Foreigner (1968) in terms of the conflict of “East vs West” is far too simplistic, as the novel does not privilege one set of cultural values over the other. The two characters who symbolise the eastern and western civilisations – Babu Rao Khemka and June Blyth respectively – struggle to survive because of their absolute values, not to mention Sindi’s “withdrawing” attitude (Prasad 104). In the character of Sindi Oberoi, the novel brings together “eastern” and “western” values to uphold a pluralistic culture. As Sindi, the rootless, alienated protagonist starts running Mr. Khemka’s business, the novel challenges his bad faith to uphold a vision of modernity that does not demand a transcendence from the material world but a willful engagement with it.

Joshi’s second novel The Strange Case of Billy Biswas (1971) also disputes the purpose of existence, enlightenment, and the apparent progress of human civilisation by portraying the eccentric life of Billy Biswas. Billy Biswas was an Indian anthropologist trained in the United States and working with Delhi University, who withdraws from the elite circles of his Delhi household to settle among a tribal group, the “bhils of the Satpura Hills” (Joshi, The Strange Case 7). The novel critiques the normative modernity of English-speaking urban elites and their demand for social conformity as it tragically recounts the fate of Billy Biswas who is hunted down and eventually killed when his family attempts to reclaim him from his tribal life.

Recounted through the perception of the second-person narrator, Romi Sahai, a civil servant who befriended Billy in New York, the novel reflects on the social rebellion of Billy Biswas against the upper-class Indian society and its understanding of development, culture, and modernity. By contrasting the enriching lives led by the tribal groups against the materialistic, civilised world of metropolitan spaces, Joshi explores the divide between nature and culture, rural and urban spaces, indigeneity and modernity, and theory and praxis. Billy’s decision to assimilate himself within the local tribe and abandon his family serves as a comment not only on his passion for the unknown mysteries of life but also on his willingness to bridge the intellectual gap by privileging indigenous knowledge structures which the civilised world may frown upon.

Billy Biswas could be considered a misfit in the society as he recklessly leaves behind his entire family by disappearing into the woods. However, his unreasonable, self-serving quest for meaning that drives him to withdraw from civilisation is also a greater search for “one’s true self” (Mathur 426). In his first encounter with the tribes and their festivities, Billy Biswas feels a connection and a calling to be his “primitive self” (Joshi, The Strange Case 101):

He stood on a rock and saw in the night sky a reality that blinded him with its elemental ferocity. It was as though his life had been reduced to those elements with which we all begin when we are born. (Joshi The Strange Case 102).

This meeting with the tribe awakens something primordial in Billy since the tribe stood in stark contrast to the sophisticated world from which he had arrived. In order to contrast the world of the city as egotistical and predetermined by social pretensions and material worth, Arun Joshi romanticises tribal life through the character of Billy, by privileging their legends and myths, without dealing with them critically. By contrasting the culture of the city with tribal life, the novel critiques the superficiality of the modern Indian society. In this process it touches upon elements that remain questionable from a representative point of view, such as Billy’s god-like stature among the tribes and the overt sexualisation of Bilasia who is meant to symbolize feminine energy. The novel uses such problematic elements to provide answers to philosophical questions that had haunted Billy as an academic and which he only understood once he acquired alternative knowledge by living with the tribes. The novel synthesises western enlightenment and indigenous knowledge structures, reason and myths in the character of Billy whose pursuit of anthropology as a field of study led him to deeper inquiries which he could only comprehend after annihilating his “modern,” urban self. Although the novel’s engagement with tribal culture stems from its desire to interrogate urban Indian culture, it, nevertheless, ends up broadening the meaning of culture and modernity by privileging cultural differences that may otherwise be conveniently disregarded as primitive.

The Last Labyrinth (1981) explores a married business tycoon, Som Bhaskar’s obsession with a woman named Anuradha through whom he wants to conquer his unquenchable thirst for wanting more. By overlapping the desire for material possession (Aftab’s shares) with the immaterial like spiritual fulfillment, sexual bliss, love and transcendence, Joshi synthesises opposing elements to comment on the inherent contradictions in human desire. The novel begins with Som Bhaskar’s desire to capture Aftab’s business which he eventually obtains but without contentment, and ends with an unsatisfied Som, who is scared and on the verge of self-harm, as Anuradha has disappeared from his life. The novel concludes in an open-ended manner, as it is unclear whether Anuradha has willingly gone missing or has been subject to violence within the mysterious folds of the labyrinthine Haveli. In the Som-Anuradha relationship, social conventions are flouted to establish a connection between the known and the unknown, the spiritual and the sexual, and the body and the mind respectively. For example, Som Bhaskar’s physical fixation with Anuradha attains a mystical dimension when he gains the knowledge that Anuradha saved him from dying because of their “spiritual” connection. Similarly, in Anuradha’s disappearance, the novel seems to point to the unknown, mysterious elements of human desire which can never be understood fully.


From critiquing the upper-class of the Indian society to the quest for meaning in an absurd world, Joshi’s anti-heroes embody the modern dilemma to both belong and transcend the world. Whether it is through material possessions, sexual bliss, intellectual pursuits, detachment, or even religious devotion, his nonconformist characters are not just meant to demonstrate the wrongs of the society. Instead, they are intended to challenge the fundamental premise of human civilisation. From Billy Biswas abandoning the civilised spaces of Delhi to live amidst tribal groups to Sindi Oberoi’s theory of detachment in The Foreigner (1968), to Som Bhaskar’s sexual and spiritual obsession with Anuradha and the maze-like structure of Lal Haveli in Banaras, which preserves an older world, in The Last Labyrinth (1981), Joshi’s preoccupation lies with metaphysical enquiries which he addresses by exploring the limits of human reason, faith, morality, desire, and sexuality. Undoubtedly, Joshi’s philosophical engagement is not apolitical since most of his protagonists come from privileged backgrounds, except for Ratan Rathor in The Apprentice (1974) who represents the common man’s struggles to “arrive” in the city. Nevertheless, Joshi remains vehemently critical of the social class he represents. It can be argued that Romi Sahai, the narrator in The Strange Case of Billy Biswas (1971) serves as the author’s mouthpiece when he says how “life’s meaning lies not in the glossy surfaces of our pretensions, but in those dark mossy labyrinths of the soul that languish forever […]” (8). Joshi’s fiction explores the psychological realms of this world which otherwise lie buried within the human subject.


Joshi, Arun. The Apprentice. Orient Paperbacks, 1974.

—. The City and the River. Orient Paperbacks, 1990.

—. The Foreigner. Orient Paperbacks, 1968.

—. The Last Labyrinth. Orient Paperbacks, 1981.

—. The Strange Case of Billy Biswas. Orient Paperbacks, 1971.

Works Cited:

“Arun Joshi.” Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 28, no. 4, 1993. JSTOR, . Accessed 12 July 2023.

Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.

Joshi, Arun. The Apprentice. Orient Paperbacks, 1974.

—. The City and the River. Orient Paperbacks, 1990.

—. The Foreigner. Orient Paperbacks, 1968.

—. The Last Labyrinth. Orient Paperbacks, 1981.

—. The Strange Case of Billy Biswas. Orient Paperbacks, 1971.

Malreddy, Pavan Kumar. “Arun Joshi: Avant-Garde, Existentialism and the West.” Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, vol. 62, no. 1, 2014, pp. 3-12. .

Mathur, OP. “Survival and Affirmation in Arun Joshi’s Novels.” World Literature Today, vol.63, no. 3, 1989, pp. 425-428. JSTOR, . Accessed 13 July 2023.

Menon, Nirmala. “Peripheral Identities and Hybridity in Arun Joshi’s The City and the River” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, vol. 62, no. 1, 2014, pp. 63-6.

Mukherjee, Meenakshi. The Twice Born Fiction: Themes and Techniques of the Indian Novel in English. Heinemann, 1971.

Naik, MK. A History of Indian English Literature. Sahitya Akademi, 1982.

Paranjape, Makarand. “Post-Independence Indian English Literature: Towards a New Literary History.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 33, no. 18, 1998, pp. 1049–56. JSTOR, . Accessed 15 July 2023.

Prasad, Madhusudan. “Arun Joshi: The Novelist.” Indian Literature, vol. 24, no.4, 1981, pp. 103-114. JSTOR, . Accessed 13 July 2023.

Randhawa MS. “Amar Chand Joshi (1908-1971).” Indian National Science Academy .

Sudarshan, Aditya. “The strange case of Arun Joshi.” The Hindu, March 2, 2013, .

Kanak Yadav

“Fiction or truth? I wondered”: A Gothic of/for the Nation-State | Sayantan Lahiri

By Reviews No Comments

Review: The Light at the End of the World, by Siddhartha Deb, Context, 2023.


“This was a hungry novel, haunted by other writers, artists, ideas and historical events.”

                                                          -Siddhartha Deb, The Light at the End of the World

This sense of haunting and being haunted influences the novel and its characters. Deb tries to (re)imagine India’s imminent dystopian future through the lanes (and lens) of its violent history of the last two centuries. However, instead of taking the ‘top-down view’ of narrativising the history of the bourgeois, he chooses to paint micro-stories of humanity, struggle and anxieties.  However, the apocalyptic historical milieu looms large in the backdrop, impacting the characters’ lives and their choices. The sense of history Deb portrays in the novel is not one of continuity and poise, but a tale of its ‘apocalyptic ruptures’.

Like the Gothic genre, The Light doesn’t allow the characters to bury their deep-seated anxieties, rather it “offers ways of exposing, and articulating, some of the horrors and fears…” (Wisker 238). Deb’s language is unapologetic, blunt, and precise, deliberately unsettling the readers if they were reading comfortably.

This overt political meta-narrative is beautifully complemented by the delicate touch and care with which Deb carves out the characters and their milieu. The novel is structured in four sections, each a novella on its own, depicting stories of humanity and its quest amidst their dystopian catastrophic worlds, as the characters witness its boundaries and their insides collapse.

The first section, “City of Brume” recounts the story of Bibi, a journalist in Delhi in the near future. The city is described in the traditional Gothic tropes of entrapment, filled with uncanny characters like the anonymous “Monkey-man”, a zombie like figure who has returned after his supposed death to haunt the nation-state with the threat of exposing the secrets of its coercive and ideological state apparatuses.

“Claustropolis: 1984” situates the narrative in the Indian city of Bhopal, the site of India’s worst industrial disaster. The narrative shifts to the first person, an assassin who must hunt down his ‘kill’ before that disaster ‘outbreaks’. The sense of the weird is further developed by the anonymous boss of the assassin, who cannot be defined into traditional identities, and therefore is described in every paragraph using a long name: “That man an operator at a chemical factory on the Kali parade grounds” (Deb 145).

The third section, “Paranoir: 1947” captures the tale of a humble Bengali student, (Das) and his quest for a Vedic aircraft that can repel the impending genocide. Das begins with the stereotypical Romantic images of Bengal and its Gangetic planes. However, they are undercut by the unsettling metaphors that follow, which do not offer any sense of ease: “The leaves of the fossil-like banyan trees rustle. Invisible little ghosts scurry in the grass, stopping occasionally to tickle Das’s ankles” (Deb 221-2). Deb takes another quantum leap in the history of India in the fourth section, “The Line of Faith: 1859” which narrates the story of Colonel Sleeman and his troops who fight a rebellion to secure their alleged “super weapon” that will expel the British from India.

To some readers the novel may feel a slow read, with the subplots taking time to build up. However, this is a novel of moments, where Deb creates an aesthetic of the mundane—the unchanging, routine life of these characters. Their lives seem monotonous, only to be shattered by the apocalyptic ruptures of historical moments. In the third section, for example, the assassin’s comments are repetitive, with the refrain “FOLLOW AND PERFORM” (Deb 145) being repeated several times, that it almost gets instilled in the subconscious of the character as well as the readers.

Another traditional Gothic trope which links these sections together is the narrator’s fascination with insomnia, haunting, and nightmares. Deb mentions, on almost every occasion, in precise details about when the characters sleep (if at all), when they wake up, in which mental state, and their dreams/nightmares while sleeping. In the “City of Brume,” for instance:

THROUGHOUT THESE TURBULENT months, Bibi sleeps…[s]he sleeps like everything…has happened many times before and will happen many times again, an unending cycle of present, a loop to be broken only by some apocalyptic ruptures. (Deb 4)

Although The Light paints images of these “apocalyptic ruptures” of cosmic horror, it is perhaps more encouraging than the typical post-apocalyptic fiction. It defies any easy categorisation and generic expectations. It deliberately pushes boundaries—of genres, histories, and experience. Therefore, it is perhaps befitting that Deb quotes from Frankenstein in the epigraph of the epilogue in the quest for the “eternal light” (Shelley 3). We meet Bibi again in the epilogue in the Andaman Islands as she continues her quest. The choice of a space like the Andamans for the epilogue is telling: a floating island, distanced from the ideological body of India and its “imagined communities” (Anderson 22)—a space which was historically associated with punitive measures for ‘rebels’—provides Deb with the perfect milieu to paint a picture of the life of a rebel in exile; a space where Bibi, in the near future must continue her quest for her sense of the self and the world.


Works Cited

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso Books, 2016.

Deb, Siddhartha. The Light at the End of the World. Context, 2023.

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Penguin Classics, 1986.

Wisker, Gina. Contemporary Women’s Gothic Fiction: Carnival, Hauntings and Vampire Kisses. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, .



Sayantan Lahiri is currently working as an Institute of Eminence (IoE) funded Research Intern at the University of Hyderabad, India. The research project focuses on establishing decolonial Indian Research Methodologies (IRM) from Sanskrit Texts. After finishing his M.A. in English Literature from the same university, he wishes to pursue research in the areas of Postcolonial Gothic, Indian Writing in English, Ageing Studies, Posthumanism and Cultural Studies.


Page Header Image: Penguin Random House

Cite this Review

Lahiri, Sayantan. “’Fiction or truth? I wondered’: A Gothic of/for the Nation-State.” Indian Writing In English Online, 23 October 2023, .

Lahiri, Sayantan. “’Fiction or truth? I wondered’: A Gothic of/for the Nation-State.” Indian Writing In English Online. October 23, 2023. .

Mythic Tales, Graphic Tailoring | Varsha Singh

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Singh, Varsha. “Mythic Tales, Graphic Tailoring” Indian Writing In English Online, 16 Oct 2023,

Singh, Varsha. “Mythic Tales, Graphic Tailoring.” Indian Writing In English Online. October 16, 2023. .

Art needs a medium to get transmitted across cultures. Transmission can be seen as the primary objective of a ‘re-telling,’ which needs to be understood as a distinguishable category from ‘ cultural translation’ or even ‘adaptation.’ Referring to some of the contemporary graphic novel adaptations of Indian epics, the essay proposes to use the critical and theoretical concepts of adaptation to study how stories, ideas and characters from epics are retold through the medium of  the graphic novel. The essay therefore lays emphasis on the approach to reading and interpreting graphic books of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, with the purpose of  understanding ‘retelling’from the perspectives of first-person narrators of the selected texts. The texts chosen: Tara Publishers’s Sita’s Ramayana (2011)  and Amruta Patil’s Adi Parva (2012, HaperCollins India), represent each of the epics.Published around the same period, both market themselves as graphic novels, the former as an adaptation and the latter as a retelling. Incidentally, they also adopt the female first-person narrative. The rationale for such a selection empowers the analysis by seeing how two different graphic novels visualize the two epics and what specific techniques of image-word-panel sequentialization they deploy. Methodologically, the analysis will benefit by using concepts from Linda Hutcheon’s theory of literary adaptation to assess the techniques used in the process of retelling and/or adaptation, as they can be meaningfully applied to decipher the various visual interpretive strategies used by the author/artist. The focus of this survey, therefore is to determine and discuss common visual interpretive strategies adopted in the process of retelling and adapting the epics. It must be told at the very outset that the essay is not an evaluative study between source and target texts. That is to say, the graphic books selected for the study are not adaptations of original’ texts but have been adapted from already existing retellings  (visual, performative and oral storytelling) of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Asha Kasbekar explains Amar Chitra Katha’s (ACK, India’s first successful comic book industry venture) impulse to go back to mythology and history and its clarity of vision vis-à-vis its readership which constituted both “children and adults” (95). Emphasizing ACK’s inter-medial and inter-textual inspirations, she asserts, “Most of these retellings from the epics are an amalgam of different sources and different telling of the same myths” (96). ACK from its conception to its execution was a unique idea that mixed education with entertainment, merging the historical and the mythological.

Scholars claim that  besides meeting its self-admitted pedagogic visions of making young India aware of its roots in history and mythology, the ACK was also surreptitiously carving a nationalist/masculinist/Hindutva ideology through the use of recurrent themes and imagery. The works of  Susan Wadley and Lawrence Babb (1998), John Lent (2001), Aruna Rao (2001), Karline McLain (2005), Nandini Chandra (2008) and Deepa Sreenivas (2010) besides charting a historiography of the ACK, make detailed surveys and analyses of how the comic book medium was being used by its creators to etch out an integrationist agenda. All of these works claim, in one way or the other that the ACK was, in the domain of popular culture production, one of the most powerful tools of nation-building. Karline McLain’s comment seems to sum up the central vein of ACK scholarship so far:

Through content analysis alone, it is easy to conclude that the Amar Chitra Katha comic book series conveys a hegemonic conception of “Indianness” to its readers, one that entails the marginalization of Muslims and other religious and cultural “outsiders” from the national past, the recasting of women in so-called “traditional” roles, and the privileging of middle-class Hindu culture. (Whose Immortal? vi-vii)

With its titles on mythology, history, and biographies of great leaders, the ACK “was actively engaged in producing the modern bourgeois subject . . . by writing a counter-history which was projective rather than merely factual” (Sreenivas 37-38). Harleen Singh also argues that that the comic book format allowed the ACK to mix mythology and history just as the itihasa-purana literary tradition of India, since this visual form “provide(s) a particularly indelible medium of harking back to the ancient through the use of modernity’s devices” (“Graphics of Freedom”n.p.). Images from mythology which undeniably are treated also as religious images in India, were being used as metaphors for etching out  a national identity. Hindu religion, being predominantly iconocentric, provided a platform for various forms of audio/visual media to invite the masses to be drawn in and associate with images based on an archetypal familiarity.

What these critical works of scholarship of the ACK however tend to overlook is that neither Anant Pai, in attempting to create a comics canon, nor the political flavor of their contemporary times in propagandizing Hinduism, created Hindutva/nationalist agenda. The stakeholders were barely fanning the airs of an already existing identitarianism—political and religious alike. The genre of the ‘mythologicals’ primarily residing in the domain of visual culture was seen possibly as one of the best ways of re-creating a nation. Mythology supplanted history, and popular genres such as films and comic books were targeted to be among the more potent media for voicing this newly-formed impulse of ‘imaging’ and ‘imagining’ the nation.

This essay  moves beyond  the ACK—which had for long defined the comic book industry in India— and looks at comics and graphic novels, within what E. Dawson Varughese calls the ‘post-millenial” moment (10). It could be argued that comics and graphic novels in their own ways adapt and retell mythological epics to speak to completely different audiences, demarcated by their age-groups and/or their, potential permeability into other media. In fact, it is this translatability into the visual which contributes to their status as living entities. Common to all of such visual avatars of epics is an assumption that mythology provides enduring raw material.  Myths and their  archetypes almost always occupy the center  of mainstream cultural productions.

Genre, Medium, Narrative

Art Spiegelman’s Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, is believed to have given the term ‘graphic novel’ commercial value. It was popularized as a graphic novel and not as a comic because the term ‘novel’ had obvious market implications. The genre instantly hit the public domain as  serious art distinguishing itself from the comics genre meant for  children and young adults.  The graphic novel therefore could take the liberty of including text and imagery which would not be appropriate for children’s reading. But the first graphic novels were primarily image-oriented.  For instance, France Masareel’s 25 Images of Man’s Passions (1918) or Lynd Ward’s Gods’ Man (1929) were ‘silent’ graphic art-works  in sequential form.Will Eisner described the graphic novel as a visual narrative with words in the 1970s  (see Eisner’s “Introduction” to A Contract…). Eisner’s A Contract with God, published in 1978, came to be known as the first graphic novel (images and  words). With the proliferation of the graphic novel market, it also became imperative to keep the distinction between the graphic novel and the graphic narrative intact. The latter included all forms of visual narratives, such as cinema, cartoons, and ‘performative’ arts such as the Opera. With the increasing popularity of the graphic novels, there came a huge demand for the ‘illustrated’ versions of the classics, such as the Moby Dick and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. These books were not, technically speaking, adaptations, because they did not change the ‘content’ of the novels. They were abridged pictorial ‘representations’ of the classics.

In India, Sarnath Banerjee’s Corridor (2004) was popularized as the country’s first ‘graphic novel’.  Though Orijit Sen’s A River of Stories (1994) was published a decade earlier, it lacked the marketing required to be popularly received as a graphic novel. Why were these books with pictures not promoted simply as comics? Marketing and publishing dynamics were clearly not the only two factors behind this form’s popularization. They were called graphic novels because they were introducing themes which were hitherto unexplored in the given medium. Corridor was meant for adult readership not just because it contained explicit sexual content but because both its language and its theme were complex. A graphic novel could take more liberty with thematic expressions (textual and pictorial) because its function was not restricted to entertaining  children. Pramod K. Nayar in his detailed reading of Bhimayana, maintains the distinction between graphic novel and comics. He quotes Lila Christensen to describe graphic novels  “in contrast to superhero comic books,” the former being “more serious, often nonfiction, full-length, sequential art novels that explore the issues of race, social justice, global conflict, and war with intelligence and humor” ( qtd in Nayar, 5). Speaking of the status of graphic novels in India he observes, “Home-grown graphic novels—as opposed to comic books—have appeared from Penguin and other publishing houses since 2004 with works by Sarnath Banerjee, Naseer Ahmed and Amruta Patil,” admitting though that they are still very niche genres (4-5).

Graphic novels are a dual-form expression combined in a medium  that uses bothgraphic and literary representation to narrate a story. They bring together the fields of cinematic portrayal, mass media, canonical and non-canonical literature, to blur the distinctions between these categories. They are one of the most representative expressions of a consumer culture which debunks the hierarchical distinction between the high and the low forms of art. I use ‘graphic novel’ as an umbrella term for the purpose of analysis here, as it can be seen as both a material entity and a medium, and may include comics, illustrated books, picture books etc. Although most of these forms use comparably similar format and tools of storytelling, there might be subtle and crucial differences between them, ranging from their content and ideological perspectives to their marketing strategies. Since this essay is not looking at other forms of graphic narratives such as digital comics (better known as Webomics) or zines, the term ‘graphic novel’ provides a simplistic and functional reference point. As a cluster term, it seems to provide for more intricate format distinctions such as a longform graphic narrative in pages, and an ‘illustrated classics’ version.  Of the various sub-forms, comics and graphic novels tend toward a greater degree of sequential arrangement. Theorists often have class/category confusions over these forms or subgenres of the graphic book.  “Graphic Narrative” is a term Hillary Chute and Marianne DeKoven prefer to use over graphic novel, which they believe could be a misnomer (767). Graphic narrative can be seen as an intricate language which exhibits a confrontational suturing of verbal and visual modes to create a palimpsest, which in turn re-orients the reader’s notions of a text by creating layers of subtexts simultaneously. The narrative frame which holds the image is a key narratorial device in the ‘langue’ of the graphic narrative medium. The ‘frame’ occupies a cognitive centrality to closure in graphic narratives. Besides providing the narrative frame (context) of the story, the literal frame or the border of the panel also allows a relative freedom to adjust and synchronize narrative information by realizing in variant combinatory ways, its articulatory potential. For instance, the length of the panel can be increased or decreased to show the passing of time, Aaron Meskin vouches for the uniqueness of both the image and the text to contribute to meaning, “Neither the text nor the image have a more fundamental role than the other, but they work together to create the story-world of the comic” (391). Meskin’s comment speaks of a structural ideal in composing the language of comics. But this does not seem to be the norm, as much comics scholarship, rather than establishing a theory of symbiosis, tends to work up models in which either the verbal or the visual dominate.

Representation and Re-telling—Understanding Adaptation

The Indian comics industry though not inspired was definitely being influenced by (and in turn influencing) cultures outside of India. Most Indian cartoon serials in India used the Disney style of art in the very beginning. John A. Lent claims, that westernization is often “appropriated”  to suit the more traditional contexts and sensibilities of the market. (Lent 5)  He also quotes Aruna Rao and says,

Indian comics superstar Bahadur wears western blue jeans with an Indian shirt (kurta), to show he is both modern and aware of his roots, and how plots are mixed so that masked superheroes go home to their parents at night and villainesses seek to destroy the universe because they cannot find a suitable husband. (Lent 5)

One could say foreign writers/artists/cartoonists similarly “appropriate” Indian (or Asian) elements to suit their own cultural context. The Japanese ‘Manga’ is an excellent example of this hybridization. (Manga productions dominate the Western Graphic art scene today, see the popularity of Death Note or Astro Boy for instance).

The ACK, “played an important part in the transmission of traditional stories and myths” (Rao in Lent, 43), attention needs to be brought to the term “transmission” here which  can be seen as the primary objective of a ‘re-telling.’[1] Hutcheon puts it better when she says, “We retell—and show again and interact anew with—stories over and over; in the process, they change with each repetition, and yet they are recognizably the same… In the workings of the human imagination, adaptation is the norm, not the exception” (177).

Adaptation can be classified from the perspective of “the process of creation” which leads to its (re-)interpretation or (re-)creation—Hutcheon calls it ‘appropriation’ or salvaging (Hutcheon 8-9). She quotes Priscilla Galloway as an adapter belonging to this category, “an adapter of mythic and historical narratives for children and young adults that are worth knowing but will not necessarily speak to a new audience without creative reanimation” (9). And finally, adaptation can be classified as depending upon its “process of reception” (8) Based on their modes of engagement, graphic adaptation could be any of these: “Transposition,” “appropriation,” or “a repetition with variation” (7)  Based on their degree of involvement they could be showing/performative(theatre and drama), telling/narrating (novels), and “interactive” (22) (for instance, visual multimedia). Graphic novel adaptations involve all three degrees and modes of representations.

The process of adaptation implies “transference,” “displacement” and “surgical art” (Hutcheon 18-19) or tailor-finishing an old (a relatively older) work to cater to a new reader/audience. And this ‘transference’ of matter from one medium to the other, entails the question of what is lost and what is gained.  Through this essay, I focus on  locating the ‘gaps’ that the adapted text picks from a source text only to ‘fill’ them to say something new.

A graphic novel can be analyzed in multiple ways: through a formal structural analysis (using Semiotics, see for instance Thierry Groensteen’s The System of Comics, 2007) which would focus on its  formal characteristics such as  the plot, the point of view, and narrative strategies with regards to its visual characteristics. One can even look at graphic novels from the vantage point of cognitive psychology which would enable one to understand the use of graphic art as a ‘gestalt’ representation of contemporary culture  (for instance, Postcolonial Comics: Texts, Events, Identities, edited by Binita Mehta and Pia Mukherji 2020). The questions we then ask are: how does the constant re-visualising of epics operate and fit within the terminology of adaptation theory, how do the epics (The Mahabharata and The Ramayana) get adapted to the form of the graphic novel? The process of adaptation here is two-tiered: it is ‘transposition,’ as it engages in inter-generic adaptation—from epic to novel, and  it is ‘transmutation’ and ‘transcoding’ at the level of visual expression—word/text to image/icons/symbols[2]. Since the essay, as stated earlier, looks at how the visual aspects of epics are brought to the popular domain (through graphic novel renditions), the following half of this study will engage in a sustained analysis of  the techniques of adaptation/retelling. To serve the purpose, I have selected two graphic novels:  adaptations of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. . Although the selection of texts, at the first instance, may appear feminist and female-centric, the objective of this project is not to execute a feminist reading of the texts.  It is to understand the visual narrative strategies that facilitate a differential telling. It can however be argued, that since the  Ramayana and the Mahabharata, are traditionally read, seen, and perceived as epics of the ‘male ideal’ (the former as paurushottam and the latter as purusharth), many of their contemporary retellings are  categorically ‘against the grain’ and choose to spin the tales toward deconstructionist directions.

Theory as Praxis

Case Study One

Sita’s Ramayana—Samhita Arni and Moyna Chitrakar (Tara Books)

The cover page of Sita’s Ramyana has a picture of Sita in what is called the ‘patua’ art style. The ‘patua’ artists or ‘Chitrakars,’ as they are known, can be traced to the thirteenth century, and are now known to have settled in West Bengal as a mixed community of Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists. One may also find parallels of the ‘patua’ art form in the nineteenth century ‘patas’ paintings of Kalighat, which are believed to have evolved from the earlier ‘patua’ style, and were used in the colonial era as a medium to ridicule and satirize the “babu culture” of the British. This satiric note is also evident in Sita’s Ramayana, as will be discussed later.

Sita’s Ramayana is a collaborative project between the writer Samhita Arni and the illustrator Moyna Chitrakar. Other contributors include —Orijit Sen, a comic artist with Tara Publishers and Jonathan Yamakami, a resident designer with the same. Arni,  gives an account of the conception and initiation of this bookMoyna Chitrakar took part in a graphic narratives workshop conducted by Tara Publishers. It is during this workshop that Chitrakar and other patua artists learnt to organize ‘patua’ as an alternative comic art. They converted the vertical panels of the scroll into horizontal pictures, which when compiled would take the form of a sequentially arranged narrative – the form of the graphic novel. Arni, however, was a much later addition to the project. She was chosen by Tara to assume authorship for the work by providing a written narrative to the picture art. The concluding note of Sita’s Ramayana says that the novel was “painted before it was written.” Arni too, in many of her interviews (the Indiacurrent Website) has admitted that she plays second fiddle to Chitrakar. Her job has been only to weave a narrative around the images.. So, it is safe to say that this is where the first level or kind of encounter between the images and the text takes place. It can also be inferred that the production of a graphic novel does not depend on the chronology of what came first: the art or the text. The art may precede the text as in the case of Arni-Chitrakar’s novel; the text may precede the art, as in the case of Amruta Patil’s Adi Parva. One might even say that these processes cannot be so sharply distinguished. The process of imagining the text requires a vivid graphic, image-based world in the mind of the writer and the process of imagining art is never quite without words. The cognitive processes that structure artistic creation cannot be sequentially arranged in terms of what precedes what.

The process of adaption Sita’s Ramayana uses is  “repetition without replication” (Hutcheon 7,8)   It fits into the category of ‘transposition’ because it undergoes a shift of ‘genre’ (epic to novel); a shift of frame and context, (telling the same story from a different point of view, to create a different interpretation).it is at the same time an ‘appropriation’ because it offers a newer interpretation of the Ramayana from a woman’s vantage point, creating a wholly new cultural product.

Graphically Speaking…

The novel begins with an external omniscient voice introducing the reader to the plot. It says, “For a thousand years the Dandaka forest slept” (Sita’s 7). Now, this is an instance of ‘appropriation.’  Since the narrator of Sita’s Ramayana is Sita herself, the story has to begin with Sita and not Ram or any other character in the epic. This novel ‘appropriates’ Valmiki’s narrative voice (Ramayana begins with the episode in which Valmiki feels intense agony at the death of the mating Krauncha bird), who is believed to have narrated the Ramayana to Luv and Kush, to that of Sita’s. In a stroke of brilliant symbolism and imagery, Arni sets the novel in the Dandaka forest. This first line of the novel appears in a white caption against a black backdrop—setting the tone of the novel through the symbolic use of the color black. It is also indicative of the dark and dense sleep of the forest. Continuing with the omniscient-narration, the very next page opens up to introduce the central character of the novel, referred to as ‘the daughter of the Earth,’ (Sita’s 8) the panel placed against a white backdrop, with a face close-up focusing on Sita’s tears. The flowers of the Dandaka forest seem to be sharing in Sita’s agony (see Image 1 below). The external narration gives way to an internal narrative frame which is carried forward by Sita herself. She hears the forest whispering questions and addresses the forest, taking up to narrate her story. Thence begins the first-person narrative. The Ramayana begins precisely where it almost ends—with Sita’s banishment. A heavily pregnant Sita “beg(s)” for refuge to the forest. She complains, “The world of men has banished (her)”  (Sita’s 9), so nature is the only shelter accessible to her. No sooner does the story begin than it cuts to the moment of the historical exile of Rama along with Sita and Lakshman. While the initial external narrative voice occurs as free text without any borders, Sita’s lines occur in text box and bubble diagrams positioned within the panels. The slightly longer dialogues appear in small fonts and lower case, whereas Sita’s emotional and intensely felt expressions occur in short one-liners in upper case bold fonts. Such minor innovations in the discourse of a graphic novel serve not simply to distribute attention to characters as and when required by the plot, but also to heighten the dramatic effect of the novel. The lines spoken by other characters are featured through bubbles or what are  known as ‘speech balloons.’

Speaking of the narrative structure, there is yet another internal frame within the main narrative—that of Sita’s encounter with Hanuman. In this episode, Hanuman tells Sita how he came to know of Rama and eventually rescues Sita: “And Hanuman told me …” (Sita’s 36). The reader now gets involved in a concentric narrative framework in which the authorial voice tells the reader of a certain Dandaka forest, that  becomes the primary audience to Sita’s story/history, which in turn invites narrative strands from Hanuman, who within the primary frame of Sita’s narrative explains (to Sita) how he got involved within the project of rescuing her, (to which Sita, in flashback, is the primary audience and by the time-frame of the narrative, the Dandaka and the external reader are the secondary audience). Then again, both these external audiences (the forest and the contemporary reader) are separated by time, the former by fourteen years from the historical moment of the Ramayana and the latter by eons. But a similar sensibility holds them together—their  empathy to Sita’s condition.

This narrative strategy of multiple internal frames is a stylistic innovation or an instance of “remoulding” of the ‘fabula’ in a manner which makes the epic narrative most conducive to a retelling from a feminist and environmental perspective. The epic as a whole then becomes redundant to this feminist/female telling; only that which is relevant to Sita’a point of view gets selected and filtered to the readers (and the internal audience). All of Rama’s feats and political pacts are treated with certain condescension in the novel. As mentioned earlier, the ‘patua’ art form ridiculed and satirized the ‘babu’ culture of the British, Moyna Chitrakar’s paintings also, most poignantly bring out the satiric tone in Sita’a narrative, both through the images and the text. The novel is anti-war in its stance. It critiques the “world of men” for perpetration of violence on women, animals, and nature. The novel justifies an ecocritical consciousness which sees war and violence as futile, boosting man’s vain glory. Rama has not been given agency in the novel.

The narrative, because it is framed through Sita’s perspective, engages in the act of ‘appropriating’ a very interesting and innovative narrative strategy—making Trijatha, Sita’s caretaker/confidante in Asoka Vatika (where Sita is held captive by Ravan) narrate the battle in Lanka. Since Sita is imprisoned and has no accessibility to the war between Ram and Ravan, she cannot possibly narrate the actual happenings at the battlefield to the Dandaka.  It is Trijatha, who then becomes indispensable to the plot and narrative structure. She is shown to have been blessed with foresight and ‘divyadrishti’ with which she, like Sanjay in The Mahabharata, delivers the action of the war to Sita. This strategy serves to restore and preserve Sita’s perspective in the text. There is another interesting way in which the narrative unfolds—the entire story Sita tells to the forest is in flashback but there comes a point in the novel where Sita has finished recounting how she arrived at the Dandaka. The story from here on is no longer in Sita’s first-person narration. The omniscient external voice is brought in again to continue the narrative—“The forest heard Sita’s story. Her tale was passed from tree to tree, leaf to leaf. […] And the whispers of the forest were borne by the breeze to the hermitage of Valmiki” (Sita’s 128-130). The novel never holds Valmiki to be the original narrator of the Ramayana.

Rama and other male characters in the novel speak most sparingly. The over-worked analysis of the Ramayana as a story of ‘dharma’ and the victory of good over evil, of loyalty and filial love, goes in vain as Sita’s narration does not allow the reader to justify any of these perspectives. Sita’s tragedy is a direct outcome of the war. The novel seems to condemn patriarchal notions of war and victory. There are subtle references to the terrible atrocities associated with war and the heavy price that women pay, whether they are on the winning side or the losing side.

Sita is presented as bold, eloquent, perspective, and critical. She describes her innermost thoughts effortlessly and narrates freely her deepest regrets and complaints. Such a feminist take however is not the first of its kind. The chapter by V. Geetha at the end of the novel mentions the sixteenth century Chandrabati Ramayana as the first feminist telling of the Ramayana, but she also says that Chitrakar has not drawn on that text at all as she was not aware of it. Except a few details here and there, Arni bases her prose thoroughly in Valamiki’s Ramayana. The novel transposes not only the images or the graphic art but also the narration, as V. Geetha rightly says, “Sita’s Ramayana belongs then to a distinctive female narrative tradition. Kept alive by folk songs and memories, this tradition continues to leaven the epic world of heroes and war with virtues of nurture, compassion and tolerance” (Sita’s 151).

Case Study Two

Amruta Patil’s Parva duology:

Adi Parva comes “via” Amruta Patil. In using this term, Patil signifies the epistemological necessity of receiving the Mahabharata not simply as a religious text, but as a story of cosmic proportions that needs to be carried across generations. Since all stories are transferred via narrators, the concept of ‘retelling’ becomes inextricably tied to the whole tradition of storytelling. Patil positions herself as a (female) sutradhaar of  the epic, a reteller of a story so well inscribed in the collective memories of the Indian mindscape that there is no need to hear them. The fact that in ancient Sanskrit kavya and natyas, a sutradhaar undertakes the choric function and is never a woman, makes Patil’s choice of casting a woman sutradhaar, critically impressive. This involves what Hutcheon would call the “surgical art” (Hutcheon 18) of adaptation. Patil not only transposes the epic into a graphic novel, but also unifies the epic’s narrative voice in Ganga (instead of the pluri-vocal sautis, who carry forward the Mahabharata story through a complex structure of fractals). This therefore becomes a “re-creation” of the original epic through a radical re-vision. Ganga, unquestionably lends feminist undertones to the telling, but she functions more as an extended metaphor for the fluidity of the epic that makes it contemporaneous. In the “Author’s Note” to Adi Parva, she reiterates the “need for retelling stories,” as “Cosmic tales are like fish tanks in their need for continuous aeration” (259). The image equivalent of the visual metaphor of the sutradhaar-as-reteller is captured by portraying the umbilical of Vishnu, in whose sleeping mind the cosmic tales eternally unfold. Themes, motifs, characters, and stories recur as they are retold by different sutradhaars in different time frames, or even in parallel time-frames, to borrow quantum parlance.

When Patil says, “The real scope of the Mahabharat,” is far beyond the “the sum total of two things—the fratricidal battle between the Kuru princes and the battlefield dialogue between the avatar, Krshn, and his protégé Arjun,” she is implying that this thematic reduction is not her concern in the novel. To her the Mahabharata

sprawls from fantastic creation myths to gritty battlefields; from bodily preoccupations to the material and the spiritual; from grooming kings to encouraging renunciates. An ambitious arena, and yet at its core, the Mahabharata is a treatise on something as elementary as right conduct and excellent form. (Adi Parva, 260)

It may be inferred that the novel does not play with the ‘essence’ of the Mahabharata. The moral universe of Patils’ Adi Parva is the same as the ‘original’ story of the Mahabharata. Structurally, it is “interactive” (Hutcheon, A Theory: Second Edition xvii) in the sense that the interaction is used as a metaphor for the linear (symbolically cyclical) progression of the act of narration.

Besides the framework she seeks to retell  the Mahabharata by contemporizing it, by giving it a science-lingo touch-up. Scientific metaphors are invoked to understand cosmic/philosophical ideas and beliefs. In a section titled “Navigators of the Multiverse” (Adi Parva 72), Patil places a text box on the top of the page against a background of haphazard black and blue brush strokes, giving it the appearance of a dark, ever spanning multiverse, as if she were trying to grasp the scientific metaphor of time travel through black hole tunnels; and the text reads,

the rishis are the navigators of the multiverse. They interact with beings on the simplest of terms—with warning or announcement, passion or wrath, blessing or curse. Passion to intervene with genetic data. Wrath to cut arrogance to size. Blessing to offset a curse. Curse to engineer the future. (73)

In Sauptik Parva, Patil evokes “genetic data” again. She uses the visual/verbal metaphor of the DNA double helix, functioning as an image equivalent of the concept of spatio-temporality. Time as a metaphor is integral to a philosophical understanding of the epic. Pictorially representing the structure of the DNA (see Image 1, below), the text amplifies the significance of the gene as a potent medium to carry a given information down histories and generations, “The most effective ways to send data into the future? To reproduce. To teach. To leave seeds buried to awaken in time, at the right moment” (Sauptik, 17). The metaphor of the double-helix (also a spiral) serves as a literal marker of the perpetual bond that genealogies and family trees form, as also conjuring up the symbolic effect of the narrative structure of the epic itself: an oral history passed down through an unbroken chain of sautis or narrator-storytellers.

Image 1, Sauptik Parva (np)  

The purpose of retelling for Patil is “to improvise the narrative to reflect the time,” (Parva 259) in which it is being told.. She uses the narrative’s innate post-modernity (in its self-reflexivity and nested-narrative structure) to achieve the desired improvization. In an interview with Paul Gravett, Patil says, “Staying faithful to the original is an immense responsibility. The trick is in being respectful to the essence, without being enslaved by earlier manifestations” (qtd in Gravett). Patil’s retelling then condenses the Mahabharata from its first book,‘Adi Parvam,’ and one of the last books, ‘Sauptik Parvam.’ Her focus, at all times, coheres to the core philosophy of the epic—cosmic equilibrium.



There exists a wide variety of retellings and adaptations of myths  in the Indian market, one of which follows the patent formula of adapting the epics for the genre of superhero/action-adventure comics (see for instance, Ramayana 3392 AD, Ashok Banker’s Prince of Ayodhya and Campfire’s mythology titles). The focus of such graphic novel adaptations is simply to tinker with the existing iconography of the Gods and refashion them into avatars more easily comprehensible for a modern-day digitalized reader market. “Indian publishers such as Holy Cow Entertainment, Vimanika Comics and Campfire Graphic Novels” says Shefali Anand, “comic books and graphic novels that combine familiar story lines with new scenes and dialogue and are ‘trying to give cutting-edge art to the same old mythological stories’ ” (“The Gods have been Working Out”). This cannot be said about Adi Parva, or Sita’s Ramayana, which strive to make a sustained effort to achieve the desired impact of echoing the epics’ metaphorical universe. Incorporating compact metaphors from diverse artistic traditions, ranging from folk to world art movements, Patil’s graphic novel is committed to the idea of “retelling” as she realizes that the reteller’s function is to safeguard the “essence” and that the story ought to improve with each telling,

A story passed down through the ages via oral storytellers cannot help but alter. A good storyteller, like a good teacher, speaks in the language of the hour. Her only allegiance is to the essence of the tale; the essence safeguarded, she is free to improvise the narrative to reflect the time. (Adi Parva 259)

Thus, unlike 18 Days which is designed on a self-acclaimed ‘Star Wars meets Lord of the Rings’ trope, Adi Parva does not tread the road more travelled. Graphic novels such as Sita’s Ramayana and Adi Parva in their own ways, show visible efforts of defying the tradition of comics canonized by the ACK, and make unique innovations in the ways they combine words and images, to offer a braided visual narrative which to the informed reader creates an impact akin to the assumed original, and to a new reader, unaware of the originals, perhaps encourages an entry point to the epics.

These graphic adaptations and retellings of Indian epics illustrate the relationship of the mythic to its market. Visual narratives especially, as stated earlier, conserve the epic matter through their potential malleability. Rendering the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into visual media serves paradoxically the double-function of proliferating religiously coloured perceptions, yet at the same time decolouring them of their acquired sacredness by pushing the images to the limits of sacrilege, as in Gods of the video-game format using cybernetic lingo of modern-day media.[3]The plurality of these visual traditions, however, speak of the indefatigability with which epics are adapted and retold, every iteration new, every little improvization adding on to the palimpsestic intertextual form in which these primally existed and still continue to be, not to be fossilized as their Greek counterparts, but as full-fleshed organic entities waiting to be reused, recycled, only to re-form cultural habitats. Finally, to ‘view’ the present study through a metaphor, it could be said that the various graphic novel representations are neither exclusively retellings, nor adaptations. They are instead, as Ramanujan suggests, “tellings” (“Three Hundred Ramayanas” 134) which emerge from a collective “pool of signifiers,” each capable of a “unique crystallization,” (158); only in this case they become ‘verbo-visual tellings’ through systematically patterned structures, forming distinctive crystals.


Sutradhaar: One who holds the thread of the story, performing the narrative function. Sutra means thread and dhaar translates as the holder. Pauranic interpretations trace the term to suthar, which was also a caste of carpenters owning lineage to God Vishwakarma, the original engineer of the universe.


Purushaarth: The Mahabharata tells of the four ideals or chaturaarth, man ought to pursue in order to live a fulfilling life: dharma (righteousness), kaama (pleasure), artha (economic values), moksha (liberation).


Purushottam: Rama was considered as the ideal or the perfect man. The term is usually used in unison with the term maryaada meaning dignity or the clan’s pride.


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[1] Transmission: Literally means the process of transferring  or passing something from one place to another (OED), but in the context of literary communication and cultural translation, transmission may mean the process whereby an idea, story or cultural knowledge is passed from one generation/community/society to another. When specifically deliberating upon the role of transmission in epics, it may imply a controlled or an uncontrolled movement of historically relevant wisdom (and not just historical exactitude) to build upon and contribute to collective memory. For instance, Valmiki’s Ramayana has no mention of the “lakshman rekha,” but over centuries of retelling, the cultural transmission of Sita’s abduction story has acquired layers of meaning, and the lakshman rekha or the line of protection which Lakshman draws for Sita goes beyond serving as a metaphor.

[2] By definition transmutation implies changing from one element to the other; in the literary adaptation theory, transmutation would imply change in both form and content. The adapted text would ‘evolve’ into something ‘new.’

[3] Adaptation and Retelling: Though often used interchangeably, both these terms have a few differences. Retelling is used as an ideologically motivated enterprise, which may/may not change the original plot/story/narrative, but the stance and the overall perspective is radicalized. It may impact the reader’s received notion and relation to the original text. Adaptation is more market-oriented as it may play with the story’s innate adaptability to various media; for instance, the recasting of Mahabharata’s war into a video game suited for multi-media modalities. An apt example would be Gotham Comics’ 18 Days, which was adapted to web-comics and is planning to launch in mobile phones.

Harvest | Manjula Padmanabhan

By Drama, Health Humanities No Comments

From “Harvest” by Manjula Padmanabhan, Hachette, Act I Scene 2 (Pages 25-37) and Act II Scene 4 (Pages 83-86).
Published with permission from Manjula Padmanabhan and Hachette.
Image Credit: A verger’s dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Licence: Public Domain Mark
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